суббота, 4 января 2020 г.


Data can be retrieved for a specified time period. Hosts can virtualize local storage resources to take advantage of the same performance enhancing features used by DataCore Servers; such as auto-tiering and caching. The DataCore Management Console centralizes the configuration, allocation, and monitoring of all managed storage resources. Administrators can easily manage multiple server groups from the same console. See Dynamic Data Resiliency. See Modifying Paths and Multipathing Support. See Repairing Virtual Disks. datacore sansymphony

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Limiting the roles that a port supports can regulate the paths and avoid automatic selection of an undesirable port.

datacore sansymphony

Pools with faster devices can be used for higher priority storage resources. Servers in the same group will exchange configuration information and the same operations can be performed from all servers. A storage source in a mirrored virtual disk can be moved from one pool to another with minimal loss of high availability.

Common storage tasks such as creating snapshots and datastores can be performed. The host will discover a virtual disk in the same manner as locally-attached physical disks and it can be partitioned, assigned drive letters and used as any standard storage. For more information, see Port Connections and Paths. The console is capable of providing an advanced view of information.

This topic highlights basic features of the software. Hosts can also leverage the performance of locally-attached SSD devices and avoid network latency issues.

See Virtual Sansymphonyy Templates. Multiple server groups can also be managed from the same management console by allowing connections to servers in remote server groups.

The creation and management of mirror connections are based on the mirror role assigned to server ports. See 4 KB Sector Support. See Replication for details.

Introduction to SANsymphony™ Software-defined Storage Platform

When power is restored write caching is enabled again. See Establishing Server Groups.

The Allocation View tool provides a view of allocation and storage temperature per physical disk and also per virtual disk in a pool. This data can be imported into billing systems in order to charge back users.

datacore sansymphony

Disk pools are where physical storage devices—from JBOD enclosures to intelligent storage arrays—are centrally pooled and managed.

It creates an active, transparent virtualization layer across disk storage devices to maximize the availability, performance and utilization of datacenters large and small. Pass-through disks can be any physical disk that has not been added to a pool, and is simply used as a storage source when virtual disks are created.

If a failure occurs on one DataCore Server, then the other DataCore Server takes over immediately to provide continuous data availability and protect against data loss in the event of failures. When thresholds are reached, alerts and email notifications can be provided by configuring an automated task. During this process, recoverable data will be copied to other physical disks in the same pool and mirrored virtual disks will be resynchronized using aansymphony log recovery. This feature is particularly useful in clustered environments or when mirrored virtual disks sansynphony in different site locations and inter-site communication fails.

datacore sansymphony

This feature is set per virtual disk or virtual disk group. For more information, see Integration with Windows Performance Monitor. The advanced mirror capabilities of the Dynamic Data Resiliency feature can self-heal the 3-copy virtual disk manually or automatically without intervention and reduce recovery time by maintaining data redundancy in order to avoid full recoveries. Monitors provide basic health information about resources managed by SANsymphony software.

The Access Control feature includes role and ownership based authorization which provides refined user sahsymphony for the software. Multiple connections made from the same console datavore be easily managed and recalled by saving connection information.

See System Managed Mirroring.

DataCore - Wikipedia

Rollbacks can also be used as temporary backups. For large configuration usability, columns in lists can be manipulated and customized, and a search feature filters out items that do not match the criteria and highlights the matching criteria strings. See Virtual Disks and Mirror Recovery. See Reports for more information.

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