The series, which premiered on 9 May , is the longest running reality crime television series in India. The fourth season was initially aired on Friday and Saturday nights. Bhartiya Stree Shakti Nagpur Wing , a non-governmental organisation, Information and Broadcasting Ministry of India intervened and asked Sony Entertainment Television not to telecast a program about the Delhi gang-rape case. Cinevistaas Limited Optimystix Entertainment. These are headlines still fresh in our memory; this gives the show an urgency and contemporaneousness unparalleled in Indian television. On 22 February Delhi High Court restrained Sony TV from telecasting the related episodes until 4 April , upon the appeal by Chautala and others as the case was still in court and there was a possibility of a bias of the show on case. Use the lead layout guide to ensure the section follows Wikipedia's norms and to be inclusive of all essential details.
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Learn how and when to remove these template messages. Due to the popularity of the first season, Sony TV decided to bring back the series in its second season. Once again the series was back in its third season.
Retrieved 1 December The season once again was shut down early due to low TRP ratings. This article may patro cleanup to meet Wikipedia's quality standards. Retrieved 16 July The Times of India. This time the season failed to manage TRP ratings. The fifth season premiered on 15 Julyand airs on Monday—Friday nights.
Archived from the original on 25 April This article has multiple issues. August Learn how and when to remove this template message. They wanted me to ;atrol my contract that ended this March-April", said Soni.
Retrieved 5 July The named reference https: Retrieved 21 September Retrieved 20 January The season was presented by Soni and Sakshi Tanwar.
Crime Patrol (TV series) - Wikipedia
Current broadcasts on Sony Entertainment Television. The series, whose motto is "Crime never pays," presents dramatized versions of crime cases that occurred in India.
Retrieved 16 May Retrieved 23 March The episodes of the first and second seasons are 30 minutes long, while the episodes of later seasons are one hour long.
Anup Soni on moving to films". From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved 5 May Retrieved 7 March Crime Patrol generally receives positive reviews from critics.
Daily News and Analysis.
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Retrieved 21 April After four months, the fourth season was premiered and was again hosted by Soni. Retrieved 26 September Soni returned to host the series after 15 months. Retrieved 11 January The first season was created by Cinevistaas Limitedwhile later seasons were created by Optimystix Entertainment.
Retrieved 2 May
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